CMS Job Seeker's Privacy Policy


100% Private.

When you use our career counselling and job search assistance service, you will have to share some personal information with us so that we may provide products and services that best suit your needs. e assume your consent for CMS to use this information in an appropriate manner; and that we may use and disclose this information in order to:

Develop your personal résumé for job search purposes – including your name, address, email address, telephone numbers and details of your career history. This specifically means positions, dates, past employers and any other relevant information about your career and education that you deem useful for your job search and ask us to include in your résumé and related documents.


We will not provide any information about you to anyone except the information that is written in your résumé or covering letter with your expressed consent. We will offer no verbal opinions or background information to anyone (including your past employer) unless it is expressly written into the body of the résumé that you have agreed with us. The above limitations will be waived if, in our opinion, the withholding of such information from the appropriate professionals or authorities (medical, security, etc.) may put the personal health and welfare of yourself or others at risk.

What we will NOT do with your information.

We will not sell your information to anyone. Nor will we share your information with organizations outside of the employment industry that would use it to contact you about their own products or services.

We strive to protect your personal information.

All our employees and independent contractors who are granted access to our records understand the need to keep your information protected and confidential. They know they are to use the information only for the purposes intended. This expectation is communicated and agreed with each person in writing.
 We have also established physical and systems safeguards including passwords, security certificates and firewalls along with the proper processes to protect your information from unauthorized access or use.


Information about you, gathered by us during meetings, video conferencing or telephone conversations will not be relayed to a third party in any shape or form without your consent.

Privacy Choices.

You may withdraw your implied consent at any time (subject to legal or contractual obligation and on providing us reasonable notice) by contacting our Privacy Offer. Please be aware that withdrawing your consent will prevent us from providing you with the job search component of our service.

Program Participation Disclosure.

Your previous employer has a right to determine if CMS is providing the service they purchased on your behalf. Information concerning your engagement in our program is strictly limited to providing a form which shows check marks (✓) against the program modules completed at the time, i.e. career assessment, résumé writing, interview preparation, résumé circulation etc.

Deletion of information.

Your worksheets will be deleted immediately on your request.