CMS Program Insights and Information

For Our HR Colleagues - The Profound Effect of Organizational Change on HR Teams #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #employmenttermination #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #organizationalchange #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms Feb 26, 2025

The role of human resources is integral to making necessary organizational changes as efficient and as effective as possible. However, the effects of implementing difficult company decisions, especially when it comes to laying off staff can be profound on HR team members.

As an HR professional,...

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Trials & Triumphs of Career Transition v.2: Jake's Moment of Clarity during his Career Transition #careertransition #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #hrcanada #hrsupport #jobsearch #theempoweredjobseeker Feb 05, 2025

Several years ago, we worked with a well experienced gentleman who had been let go by his employer after over 25 years of service.  Jake was a Mechanical Engineer by education and had worked for a large, multi-national manufacturing company located just outside of Toronto. His last title was...

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For our HR Colleagues - Outplacement Alternatives when Budgets are Top of Mind #careertransition #careertransitionprograms #hr #hrcanada #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms organizationalchanges Dec 11, 2024

Organizational changes are a symptom of market adaptability and future growth. When jobs are affected, these changes can often be difficult to accept, and can affect your team members profoundly.  Organizational changes can also be costly, which sometimes means the provision of full-service...

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For our HR Colleagues - The 2025 HR Manager's Guide to CMS Outplacement #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #downsizing #employmenttermination #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices Dec 04, 2024

To our HR colleagues, 

As the year-end approaches and your team begins to plan for potential organizational changes in 2025, I thought you may be interested in previewing our 2025 HR Manager's Guide in advance of the new year.

We continue to offer a range of meaningful...

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' The Empowered Job Seeker ‘ v.28 - Providing Peace of Mind to Mohammad through Financial Counselling Support #careertransition #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #downsizing #employmenttermination #financialcounselling #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Nov 27, 2024

As we have discussed over the last couple of weeks, there are three main pillars that can describe the CMS full-service outplacement program.

In addition to, #1. Personal Coaching to help develop one’s resiliency during a major life change, and, #2. Strategic, modern job search tools to...

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'The Empowered Job Seeker' series, v.25 - Encouraging Organization, Engagement and the Utilization of Powerful Job Search Tools #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Oct 23, 2024

It is important to us at CMS that our outplacement program candidates have a well-rounded experience while working with us. Encouraging the organization of their job search, the use of personal exercises as well as a program feedback questionnaire is part of how we accomplish this.

For Robert,...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.18 - How Christopher Developed His Awareness of (and Preparedness!) for Behavioural Style Interview Questions #careertransition #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #careertransitionworkshop #employmenttermination #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #interviewpreparationworkshop #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Jul 24, 2024

In a recent blog, we talked about how we help CMS outplacement program candidates prepare to effectively answer technical interview questions.  This week our focus is on how our Program Coaches help their job search candidates in the preparation for Behavioural Style interview questions.


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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.16 - How Listening Skills were Consequential to Raj’s Interview Experience #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #employmenttermination #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker interviewpreparation Jun 26, 2024

As we are all aware, job interviews generally revolve around a series of questions and answers to a specific set of questions.  Preparing our outplacement program candidates for a variety of questions is just one way we help them to prepare for the interview process.  Helping them to be...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.13 - Helping Ciera to Effectively Prepare for Competition - Setting the Interview Stage. #basicoutplacement #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #careertransitionworkshop #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #interviewpreparationworkshop #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker May 29, 2024

Over the last few weeks, we have introduced you to the ways in which we help the former employees who you enrol in the CMS outplacement program, market their skills and career histories - whether that be through online job postings, LinkedIn, networking, the hidden job market, via recruiters,...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.12 - Josef’s Lesson in how Relationships he Built in the Past, can be Helpful to his Future. #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker May 15, 2024

Helping the job seekers at CMS to explore a wide variety of résumé marketing channels is the role of our outplacement program coaches.  Helping them to increase their potential pool of job opportunities and to zero in on the right ones, is key to their long-term success. ...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series v.11 - Broadening Jason's Résumé Marketing Efforts .. and, therefore his opportunities! #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #theempoweredjobseeker May 01, 2024

As our program coaches delve deeper into the résumé marketing component of our outplacement program, they inevitably come to point where they encourage their job seekers to access the 'Hidden Job Market'.  This is especially important during times of higher unemployment rates...

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For our HR Colleagues - Implementing Organizational Changes can have Profound Effects on HR Teams #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #employmenttermination #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #terminationmeetingsupport Apr 10, 2024

The role of human resources is integral to making necessary organizational changes as efficient and as effective as possible. However, the effects of implementing difficult company decisions, especially when it comes to laying off staff can be profound on HR team members.

As an HR professional,...

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