CMS Program Insights and Information

For our HR Colleagues - Telling One that Their Job has been Eliminated, is No Easy Task. #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #employmenttermination #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #terminationmeetingsupport Aug 21, 2024

 No matter how many times you have do it over the course of your career, delivering employment termination news to an employee is never easy, and can never be taken lightly.

Having an objective sounding board and third-party support for your HR team members and department managers, can go a...

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'The Empowered Job Seeker' Series, v.20 - Grace's Lesson in the Art of Effective Salary Negotiation #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #employmenttermination #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Aug 14, 2024


As we continue to help prepare our candidates for the interview process as part of their outplacement program, we inevitably must discuss how to negotiate a potential salary.

Some candidates, however, will have little idea about what the employer is expecting to pay, because it has not...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.19 - Ibrahim's Lesson in Highlighting His Key Strengths during an Interview ā€¦ even when not specifically asked. #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker interviewpreparation Jul 31, 2024

As we have discussed in our #TheEmpoweredJobSeeker series over the last few weeks, ensuring that the job search candidates that you have trusted in us to help, are aware of and are properly prepared for a variety of interview scenarios, is key to their success.

After all, what is the point of...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.18 - How Christopher Developed His Awareness of (and Preparedness!) for Behavioural Style Interview Questions #careertransition #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #careertransitionworkshop #employmenttermination #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #interviewpreparationworkshop #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Jul 24, 2024

In a recent blog, we talked about how we help CMS outplacement program candidates prepare to effectively answer technical interview questions.  This week our focus is on how our Program Coaches help their job search candidates in the preparation for Behavioural Style interview questions.


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For our HR Colleagues - Financial Counselling for Peace of Mind, a Key Component to CMS Outplacement #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #employmenttermination #financialcounselling #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #jobloss #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices Jul 17, 2024

Once the initial feelings of shock start to wane, most of the candidates who have joined the CMS outplacement program report that worries of replacing income and supporting personal finances at home become top of mind – even if provided with a substantial severance package.

That is why the...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.17 - How Jen came to Understand the Value of Formal Interview Preparation #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #careertransitionworkshop #employeecoaching #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #interviewpreparationworkshop #jobloss #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Jul 10, 2024

When most people go into a job interview their biggest problem is to remember and articulate everything that they have done and accomplished in the past.  Unless a candidate has prepared for this, the pressure of an interview can often make their answers awkward and disjointed.  The...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.16 - How Listening Skills were Consequential to Rajā€™s Interview Experience #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #employmenttermination #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker interviewpreparation Jun 26, 2024

As we are all aware, job interviews generally revolve around a series of questions and answers to a specific set of questions.  Preparing our outplacement program candidates for a variety of questions is just one way we help them to prepare for the interview process.  Helping them to be...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.14 - Rhondaā€™s Enhanced Understanding of How Human Emotion Plays a Role in Interviews #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Jun 05, 2024

Last week we introduced you to how we begin to coach and prepare our job search candidates for the all-important interview process, through the course of our full-service outplacement program.

We don’t need to be seasoned psychologists to be successful in the interview process but having a...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.13 - Helping Ciera to Effectively Prepare for Competition - Setting the Interview Stage. #basicoutplacement #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #careertransitionworkshop #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #interviewpreparationworkshop #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker May 29, 2024

Over the last few weeks, we have introduced you to the ways in which we help the former employees who you enrol in the CMS outplacement program, market their skills and career histories - whether that be through online job postings, LinkedIn, networking, the hidden job market, via recruiters,...

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For our HR Colleagues - The CMS HR Manager's Portal #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #employmenttermination #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementservices May 08, 2024

At CMS, we understand how planning for the delivery of difficult news can be almost as stressful as delivering it to outgoing employees.

Let us take some of the related administrative burden, by using our efficient HR Manager's portal when you want to offer outplacement support.


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The Empowered Job Seeker Series v.10 - Helping Mike to Navigate the World of Recruiters #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Apr 24, 2024

The outplacement programs implemented at CMS include a series of comprehensive steps.   Once we’ve completed the all-important step of writing an effective résumé and ensuring a professional LinkedIn profile is established with our job seekers, the real work begins....

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