CMS Program Insights and Information

For our HR Colleagues - Financial Counselling for Peace of Mind, a Key Component to CMS Outplacement #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #employeecoaching #employmenttermination #financialcounselling #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #jobloss #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices Jul 17, 2024

Once the initial feelings of shock start to wane, most of the candidates who have joined the CMS outplacement program report that worries of replacing income and supporting personal finances at home become top of mind – even if provided with a substantial severance package.

That is why the...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.17 - How Jen came to Understand the Value of Formal Interview Preparation #careertransition #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionservices #careertransitionworkshop #employeecoaching #fullserviceoutplacement #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #interviewpreparationworkshop #jobloss #jobsearch #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #theempoweredjobseeker Jul 10, 2024

When most people go into a job interview their biggest problem is to remember and articulate everything that they have done and accomplished in the past.  Unless a candidate has prepared for this, the pressure of an interview can often make their answers awkward and disjointed.  The...

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The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.1 - Helping George to understand his emotions following job loss #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #employmenttermination #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #jobloss #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices #terminationmeetingsupport #theempoweredjobseeker Jan 24, 2024

When we first spoke with George as he joined our outplacement program, he was quiet and fairly despondent having just been told of his termination the day before.  He had worked as a customer service manager for a retail group for the past 15 years.  I learned from the HR...

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